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Configuration guide

For all the configuration items, see

The current default spec:

  • OS: Ubuntu
  • CPU: 4 cores
  • Memory: 4 GiB
  • Disk: 100 GiB
  • Mounts: ~ (read-only), /tmp/lima (writable)
  • SSH:

For environment variables, see Environment Variables.

1 - VM types

Lima supports two ways of running guest machines:

The vmType can be specified only on creating the instance. The vmType of existing instances cannot be changed.

See the following flowchart to choose the best vmType for you:

  host{"Host OS"} -- "Windows" --> wsl2["WSL2"]
  host -- "Linux" --> qemu["QEMU"]
  host -- "macOS" --> intel_on_arm{"Need to run <br> Intel binaries <br> on ARM?"}
  intel_on_arm -- "Yes" --> just_elf{"Just need to <br> run Intel userspace (fast), <br> or entire Intel VM (slow)?"}
  just_elf -- "Userspace (fast)" --> vz
  just_elf -- "VM (slow)" --> qemu
  intel_on_arm --  "No" --> vz["VZ"]

The default vmType is QEMU in Lima prior to v1.0. Starting with Lima v1.0, Lima will use VZ by default on macOS (>= 13.5) for new instances, unless the config is incompatible with VZ. (e.g., legacyBIOS or 9p is enabled)


“qemu” option makes use of QEMU to run guest operating system.


⚡ RequirementLima >= 0.14, macOS >= 13.0

“vz” option makes use of native virtualization support provided by macOS Virtualization.Framework.

An example configuration:

limactl start --vm-type=vz --mount-type=virtiofs
# Example to run ubuntu using vmType: vz instead of qemu (Default)
vmType: "vz"
- location: ""
  arch: "x86_64"
- location: ""
  arch: "aarch64"
  - location: "~"
mountType: "virtiofs"


  • “vz” option is only supported on macOS 13 or above
  • Virtualization.framework doesn’t support running “intel guest on arm” and vice versa

Known Issues

  • “vz” doesn’t support legacyBIOS: true option, so guest machine like centos-stream and oraclelinux will not work
  • When running lima using “vz”, ${LIMA_HOME}/<INSTANCE>/serial.log will not contain kernel boot logs
  • On Intel Mac with macOS prior to 13.5, Linux kernel v6.2 (used by Ubuntu 23.04, Fedora 38, etc.) is known to be unbootable on vz. kernel v6.3 and later should boot, as long as it is booted via GRUB. The issue is fixed in macOS 13.5.


Warning “wsl2” mode is experimental

⚡ RequirementLima >= 0.18 + (Windows >= 10 Build 19041 OR Windows 11)

“wsl2” option makes use of native virtualization support provided by Windows’ wsl.exe (more info).

An example configuration:

limactl start --vm-type=wsl2 --mount-type=wsl2 --containerd=system
# Example to run Fedora using vmType: wsl2
vmType: wsl2
# Source:
- location: ""
  arch: "x86_64"
  digest: "sha256:53f2e329b8da0f6a25e025d1f6cc262ae228402ba615ad095739b2f0ec6babc9"
mountType: wsl2 
  system: true
  user: false


  • “wsl2” option is only supported on newer versions of Windows (roughly anything since 2019)

Known Issues

  • “wsl2” currently doesn’t support many of Lima’s options. See this file for the latest supported options.
  • When running lima using “wsl2”, ${LIMA_HOME}/<INSTANCE>/serial.log will not contain kernel boot logs
  • WSL2 requires a tar formatted rootfs archive instead of a VM image
  • Windows doesn’t ship with ssh.exe, gzip.exe, etc. which are used by Lima at various points. The easiest way around this is to run winget install -e --id Git.MinGit (winget is now built in to Windows as well), and add the resulting C:\Program Files\Git\usr\bin\ directory to your path.

2 - Intel-on-ARM and ARM-on-Intel

Lima supports two modes for running Intel-on-ARM and ARM-on-Intel:

Slow mode: Intel VM on ARM Host / ARM VM on Intel Host

Lima can run a VM with a foreign architecture, just by specifying arch in the YAML.

arch: "x86_64"
# arch: "aarch64"

  - location: ""
    arch: "x86_64"
  - location: ""
    arch: "aarch64"

# Disable mounts and containerd, otherwise booting up may time out if the host is slow
mounts: []
  system: false
  user: false

Running a VM with a foreign architecture is extremely slow. Consider using Fast mode or Fast mode 2 whenever possible.

Fast mode: Intel containers on ARM VM on ARM Host / ARM containers on Intel VM on Intel Host

This mode uses QEMU User Mode Emulation. QEMU User Mode Emulation is significantly faster than QEMU System Mode Emulation, but it often sacrifices compatibility.

Set up:

lima sudo systemctl start containerd
lima sudo nerdctl run --privileged --rm tonistiigi/binfmt:qemu-v7.0.0-28@sha256:66e11bea77a5ea9d6f0fe79b57cd2b189b5d15b93a2bdb925be22949232e4e55 --install all

Run containers:

$ lima nerdctl run --platform=amd64 --rm alpine uname -m

$ lima nerdctl run --platform=arm64 --rm alpine uname -m

Build and push container images:

$ lima nerdctl build --platform=amd64,arm64 -t .
$ lima nerdctl push --all-platforms

See also

Fast mode 2 (Rosetta): Intel containers on ARM VM on ARM Host

⚡ RequirementLima >= 0.14, macOS >= 13.0, ARM

Rosetta is known to be much faster than QEMU User Mode Emulation. Rosetta is available for VZ instances on ARM hosts.

limactl start --vm-type=vz --rosetta
vmType: "vz"
  # Enable Rosetta for Linux.
  # Hint: try `softwareupdate --install-rosetta` if Lima gets stuck at `Installing rosetta...`
  enabled: true
  # Register rosetta to /proc/sys/fs/binfmt_misc
  binfmt: true

3 - Network

See the following flowchart to choose the best network for you:

connect_to_vm_via{"Connect to the VM via"} -- "localhost" --> default["Default"]
  connect_to_vm_via -- "IP" --> connect_from{"Connect to the VM IP from"}
  connect_from -- "Host" --> vm{"VM type"}
  vm -- "vz" --> vzNAT["vzNAT (see the VMNet page)"]
  vm -- "qemu" --> shared["socket_vmnet (shared)"]
  connect_from -- "Other VMs" --> userV2["user-v2"]
  connect_from -- "Other hosts" --> bridged["socket_vmnet (bridged)"]

3.1 - Default user-mode network

By default Lima only enables the user-mode networking aka “slirp”.

The subnet is hard-coded to Use [user-v2]](/docs/config/network/user-v2/) network to customize the subnet.

Guest IP (

The guest IP address is set to

This IP address is not accessible from the host by design.

Use [VMNet]](/docs/config/network/vmnet/) to allow accessing the guest IP from the host and other guests.

Host IP (

The loopback addresses of the host is and is accessible from the guest as host.lima.internal.


If hostResolver.enabled in lima.yaml is true, then the hostagent is going to run a DNS server over tcp and udp - each on a separate randomly selected free port. This server does a local lookup using the native host resolver, so it will deal correctly with VPN configurations and split-DNS setups, as well as mDNS, local /etc/hosts etc. For this the hostagent has to be compiled with CGO_ENABLED=1 as default Go resolver is broken.

These tcp and udp ports are then forwarded via iptables rules to, overriding the DNS provided by QEMU via slirp.

Currently following request types are supported:

  • A
  • AAAA
  • TXT
  • NS
  • MX
  • SRV

For all other queries hostagent will redirect the query to the nameservers specified in /etc/resolv.conf (or, if that fails - to and

DNS over tcp is rarely used. It is usually only used either when user explicitly requires it, or when request+response can’t fit into a single UDP packet (most likely in case of DNSSEC), or in the case of certain management operations such as domain transfers. Neither DNSSEC nor management operations are currently supported by a hostagent, but on the off chance that the response may contain an unusually long list of records - hostagent will also listen for the tcp traffic.

During initial cloud-init bootstrap, iptables may not yet be installed. In that case the repo server is determined using the slirp DNS. After iptables has been installed, the forwarding rule is applied, switching over to the hostagent DNS.

If hostResolver.enabled is false, then DNS servers can be configured manually in lima.yaml via the dns setting. If that list is empty, then Lima will either use the slirp DNS (on Linux), or the nameservers from the first host interface in service order that has an assigned IPv4 address (on macOS).

3.2 - user-v2 network

⚡ RequirementLima >= 0.16.0

user-v2 network provides a user-mode networking similar to the default user-mode network and also provides support for vm -> vm communication.

To enable this network mode, define a network with mode: user-v2 in networks.yaml

By default, the below network configuration is already applied (Since v0.18).

    mode: user-v2

Instances can then reference these networks from their lima.yaml file:

limactl start --network=lima:user-v2
   - lima: user-v2

An instance’s IP address is resolvable from another instance as lima-<NAME>.internal. (e.g., lima-default.internal.).


3.3 - VMNet networks

⚡ RequirementmacOS

VMNet assigns a “real” IP address that is reachable from the host.

The configuration steps are different for each network type:


⚡ RequirementLima >= 0.14, macOS >= 13.0

For VZ instances, the “vzNAT” network can be configured as follows:

limactl start --vm-type=vz --network=vzNAT
- vzNAT: true

The range of the IP address is not specifiable.

The “vzNAT” network does not need the socket_vmnet binary and the sudoers file.


Managed (

socket_vmnet can be used for adding another guest IP that is accessible from the host and other guests, without depending on vz. It must be installed according to the instruction provided on

Note that installation using Homebrew is not secure and not recommended by the Lima project. Homebrew installation will only work with Lima if password-less sudo is enabled for the current user. The limactl sudoers command requires that socket_vmnet is installed into a secure path only writable by root and will reject socket_vmnet installed by Homebrew into a user-writable location.

# Install socket_vmnet as root from source to /opt/socket_vmnet
# using instructions on
# This assumes that Xcode Command Line Tools are already installed
git clone
cd socket_vmnet
# Change "v1.2.0" to the actual latest release in
git checkout v1.2.0
sudo make PREFIX=/opt/socket_vmnet install.bin

# Set up the sudoers file for launching socket_vmnet from Lima
limactl sudoers >etc_sudoers.d_lima
less etc_sudoers.d_lima  # verify that the file looks correct
sudo install -o root etc_sudoers.d_lima /etc/sudoers.d/lima
rm etc_sudoers.d_lima


Lima before v0.12 used vde_vmnet for managing the networks. vde_vmnet is no longer supported.

Lima v0.14.0 and later used to also accept socket_vmnet installations if they were owned by the admin user. Starting with v1.0.0 only root ownership is acceptable.

The networks are defined in $LIMA_HOME/_config/networks.yaml. If this file doesn’t already exist, it will be created with these default settings:


# Path to socket_vmnet executable. Because socket_vmnet is invoked via sudo it should be
# installed where only root can modify/replace it. This means also none of the
# parent directories should be writable by the user.
# The varRun directory also must not be writable by the user because it will
# include the socket_vmnet pid file. Those will be terminated via sudo, so replacing
# the pid file would allow killing of arbitrary privileged processes. varRun
# however MUST be writable by the daemon user.
# None of the paths segments may be symlinks, why it has to be /private/var
# instead of /var etc.
# socketVMNet requires Lima >= 0.12 .
  socketVMNet: /opt/socket_vmnet/bin/socket_vmnet
  varRun: /private/var/run/lima
  sudoers: /private/etc/sudoers.d/lima

group: everyone

    mode: shared
    mode: bridged
    interface: en0
    # bridged mode doesn't have a gateway; dhcp is managed by outside network
    mode: host

Instances can then reference these networks:

limactl start --network=lima:shared
  # Lima can manage the socket_vmnet daemon for networks defined in $LIMA_HOME/_config/networks.yaml automatically.
  # The socket_vmnet binary must be installed into a secure location only alterable by the "root" user.
  # - lima: shared
  #   # MAC address of the instance; lima will pick one based on the instance name,
  #   # so DHCP assigned ip addresses should remain constant over instance restarts.
  #   macAddress: ""
  #   # Interface name, defaults to "lima0", "lima1", etc.
  #   interface: ""

The network daemon is started automatically when the first instance referencing them is started, and will stop automatically once the last instance has stopped. Daemon logs will be stored in the $LIMA_HOME/_networks directory.

Since the commands to start and stop the socket_vmnet daemon requires root, the user either must have password-less sudo enabled, or add the required commands to a sudoers file. This can be done via:

limactl sudoers >etc_sudoers.d_lima
less etc_sudoers.d_lima  # verify that the file looks correct
sudo install -o root etc_sudoers.d_lima /etc/sudoers.d/lima
rm etc_sudoers.d_lima

The IP address is automatically assigned by macOS’s bootpd. If the IP address is not assigned, try the following commands:

sudo /usr/libexec/ApplicationFirewall/socketfilterfw --add /usr/libexec/bootpd
sudo /usr/libexec/ApplicationFirewall/socketfilterfw --unblock /usr/libexec/bootpd


Lima can also connect to “unmanaged” networks addressed by “socket”. This means that the daemons will not be controlled by Lima, but must be started before the instance. The interface type (host, shared, or bridged) is configured in socket_vmnet and not in lima.

  - socket: "/var/run/socket_vmnet"

4 - Port Forwarding

Lima supports automatic port-forwarding of localhost ports from guest to host.

Port forwarding types

Lima supports two port forwarders: SSH and GRPC.

The default port forwarder is SSH.

The default was once changed to GRPC in Lima v1.0, but it was reverted to SSH in v1.0.1 due to stability reasons. In future, it is expected that GRPC will take over the default position again.

Using SSH

SSH based port forwarding is the default and current model that is supported in Lima.

To explicitly use SSH forwarding use the below command

LIMA_SSH_PORT_FORWARDER=true limactl start


  • Doesn’t support UDP based port forwarding
  • Spawns child process on host for running SSH master.

Using GRPC

⚡ RequirementLima >= 1.0

In this model, lima uses existing GRPC communication (Host <-> Guest) to tunnel port forwarding requests. For each port forwarding request, a GRPC tunnel is created and this will be used for transmitting data

To enable this feature, set LIMA_SSH_PORT_FORWARDER to false:

LIMA_SSH_PORT_FORWARDER=false limactl start


  • Supports both TCP and UDP based port forwarding
  • Performs faster compared to SSH based forwarding
  • No additional child process for port forwarding


TCP3.80 Gbits/sec3.38 Gbits/sec
TCP Reverse4.77 Gbits/sec3.08 Gbits/sec

The benchmarks detail above are obtained using the following commands

Host -> limactl start vz

VZ Guest -> iperf3 -s

Host -> iperf3 -c //Benchmark for TCP 
Host -> iperf3 -c -R //Benchmark for TCP Reverse

5 - Filesystem mounts

Lima supports several methods for mounting the host filesystem into the guest.

The default mount type is shown in the following table:

Lima VersionDefault
< 0.10reverse-sshfs + Builtin SFTP server
>= 0.10reverse-sshfs + OpenSSH SFTP server
>= 0.17reverse-sshfs + OpenSSH SFTP server for QEMU, virtiofs for VZ
>= 1.09p for QEMU, virtiofs for VZ

Mount types


The “reverse-sshfs” mount type exposes the host filesystem by running an SFTP server on the host. While the host works as an SFTP server, the host does not open any TCP port, as the host initiates an SSH connection into the guest and let the guest connect to the SFTP server via the stdin.

An example configuration:

limactl start --mount-type=reverse-sshfs
mountType: "reverse-sshfs"
- location: "~"
    # Enabling the SSHFS cache will increase performance of the mounted filesystem, at
    # the cost of potentially not reflecting changes made on the host in a timely manner.
    # Warning: It looks like PHP filesystem access does not work correctly when
    # the cache is disabled.
    # 🟢 Builtin default: true
    cache: null
    # SSHFS has an optional flag called 'follow_symlinks'. This allows mounts
    # to be properly resolved in the guest os and allow for access to the
    # contents of the symlink. As a result, symlinked files & folders on the Host
    # system will look and feel like regular files directories in the Guest OS.
    # 🟢 Builtin default: false
    followSymlinks: null
    # SFTP driver, "builtin" or "openssh-sftp-server". "openssh-sftp-server" is recommended.
    # 🟢 Builtin default: "openssh-sftp-server" if OpenSSH SFTP Server binary is found, otherwise "builtin"
    sftpDriver: null

The default value of sftpDriver has been set to “openssh-sftp-server” since Lima v0.10, when an OpenSSH SFTP Server binary such as /usr/libexec/sftp-server is detected on the host. Lima prior to v0.10 had used “builtin” as the SFTP driver.


  • A mount is disabled when the SSH connection was shut down.
  • A compromised sshfs process in the guest may have access to unexposed host directories.


The “9p” mount type is implemented by using QEMU’s virtio-9p-pci devices. virtio-9p-pci is also known as “virtfs”, but note that this is unrelated to virtio-fs.

An example configuration:

limactl start --vm-type=qemu --mount-type=9p
vmType: "qemu"
mountType: "9p"
- location: "~"
    # Supported security models are "passthrough", "mapped-xattr", "mapped-file" and "none".
    # "mapped-xattr" and "mapped-file" are useful for persistent chown but incompatible with symlinks.
    # 🟢 Builtin default: "none" (since Lima v0.13)
    securityModel: null
    # Select 9P protocol version. Valid options are: "9p2000" (legacy), "9p2000.u", "9p2000.L".
    # 🟢 Builtin default: "9p2000.L"
    protocolVersion: null
    # The number of bytes to use for 9p packet payload, where 4KiB is the absolute minimum.
    # 🟢 Builtin default: "128KiB"
    msize: null
    # Specifies a caching policy. Valid options are: "none", "loose", "fscache" and "mmap".
    # Try choosing "mmap" or "none" if you see a stability issue with the default "fscache".
    # See
    # 🟢 Builtin default: "fscache" for non-writable mounts, "mmap" for writable mounts
    cache: null

The “9p” mount type requires Lima v0.10.0 or later.


  • The “9p” mount type is known to be incompatible with CentOS, Rocky Linux, and AlmaLinux as their kernel do not support CONFIG_NET_9P_VIRTIO.


Warning “virtiofs” mode is experimental on Linux hosts

⚡ RequirementLima >= 0.14, macOS >= 13.0Lima >= 0.17.0, Linux, QEMU 4.2.0+, virtiofsd (Rust version)

The “virtiofs” mount type is implemented via the virtio-fs device by using apple Virtualization.Framework shared directory on macOS and virtiofsd on Linux. Linux guest kernel must enable the CONFIG_VIRTIO_FS support for this support.

An example configuration:

limactl start --vm-type=vz --mount-type=virtiofs
vmType: "vz"  # only for macOS; Linux uses 'qemu'
mountType: "virtiofs"
- location: "~"


  • For macOS, the “virtiofs” mount type is supported only on macOS 13 or above with vmType: vz config. See also vmtype.
  • For Linux, the “virtiofs” mount type requires the Rust version of virtiofsd. Using the version from QEMU (usually packaged as qemu-virtiofsd) will not work, as it requires root access to run.


Warning “wsl2” mode is experimental

⚡ RequirementLima >= 0.18 + (Windows >= 10 Build 19041 OR Windows 11)

The “wsl2” mount type relies on using WSL2’s native disk sharing, where the root disk is available by default at /mnt/$DISK_LETTER (e.g. /mnt/c/).

An example configuration:

limactl start --vm-type=wsl2 --mount-type=wsl2
vmType: "wsl2"
mountType: "wsl2"


  • WSL2 file permissions may not work exactly as expected when accessing files that are natively on the Windows disk (more info)
  • WSL2’s disk sharing system uses a 9P protocol server, making the performance similar to Lima’s 9p mode (more info)

Mount Inotify

Warning “mountInotify” is experimental

⚡ RequirementLima >= 0.21.0

The mountInotify support enables inotify support for all different mountTypes like 9p, virtiofs etc.

When mountInotify is enabled,

  • hostagent will listen and send inotify events from host machine to guest.
  • Guest will modify the file to trigger inotify on guest side

This support will be enabled only for writable mounts because only for writable mount guest will be able to trigger inotify

An example configuration:

limactl start --mount-inotify
mountInotify: true
  - location: "~"
    writable: true


  • For mountType: 9p, Inotify events are not triggered for nested files from the listening directory.
  • Inotify events are not triggered when files are removed from host

6 - Environment Variables

Environment Variables

This page documents the environment variables used in Lima.


  • Description: Specifies the name of the Lima instance to use.
  • Default: default
  • Usage:
    export LIMA_INSTANCE=my-instance
    lima uname -a


  • Description: Specifies the shell interpreter to use inside the Lima instance.
  • Default: User’s shell configured inside the instance
  • Usage:
    export LIMA_SHELL=/bin/bash


  • Description: Specifies the initial working directory inside the Lima instance.
  • Default: Current directory from the host
  • Usage:
    export LIMA_WORKDIR=/home/user/project


  • Description: Specifies the path to the limactl binary.
  • Default: limactl in $PATH
  • Usage:
    export LIMACTL=/usr/local/bin/limactl


  • Description: Specifies to use the SSH port forwarder (slow, stable) instead of gRPC (fast, unstable)
  • Default: true
  • Usage:
    export LIMA_SSH_PORT_FORWARDER=false
  • Note: It is expected that this variable will be set to false by default in future when the gRPC port forwarder is well matured.


  • Description: Specifies the timeout duration for resolving the IP address in usernet.
  • Default: 2 minutes
  • Usage:


  • Description: Commands QEMU to load x86_64 UEFI images using -bios instead of pflash drives.
  • Default: false on Unix like hosts and true on Windows hosts
  • Usage:
    export _LIMA_QEMU_UEFI_IN_BIOS=true
  • Note: It is expected that this variable will be set to false by default in future when QEMU supports pflash UEFI for accelerated guests on Windows.


  • Description: Additional directories which will be added to PATH by limactl.exe process to search for tools. It is useful, when there is a need to prevent collisions between binaries available in active shell and ones used by limactl.exe - injecting them only for the running process w/o altering PATH observed by user shell. Is is Windows specific and does nothing for other platforms.
  • Default: unset
  • Usage:
    set _LIMA_WINDOWS_EXTRA_PATH=C:\Program Files\Git\usr\bin
  • Note: It is an experimental setting and has no guarantees being ever promoted to stable. It may be removed or changed at any stage of project development.